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=====지난 시리즈=====/선미의 친절한 영어뉴스

그때 그때 다른 말말말 - talk / speak / say / tell

말이라고 다 같은 말이 아니죠. 어떻게 말하느냐에 따라 영어표현도 다릅니다. 원점이라는 표현은 영어로 어떻게 할까요. 선미의 친절한 영어뉴스 9번째 수업 시작합니다.

1. Expressions in the News: square one

오늘은 2012년 7월2일자 사설 <황당한 한·일 군사정보협정 소동, 책임자는 누군가>로 표현 익혀보겠습니다. 

“Absurd Korea-Japan Security Pact Fiasco: Who’s to Blame?” 

Signing a security agreement with Japan is not an easy issue. Japan has constantly ignored its crimes against humanity in Korea during its colonial rule and the Pacific War; Japan claims its sovereignty over the Islets of Dokdo; and Japan is a country that many Koreans view as a potential enemy. However, our demand for the government to reconsider this agreement from square one is not just because we want the government to follow proper procedures and consider the particular Korea-Japan relations and the public sentiment.

해석)일제 강점기 태평양전쟁 당시 한국에서 범한 숱한 반인도적 범죄들에 대해 모르쇠로 일관하고, 독도를 자기땅이라고 주장하는 데다, 많은 한국민이 가상적국으로 여기는 일본과 군사협력을 하는 것은 가벼운 문제가 아니다. 하지만 우리가 이번 협정을 원점에서 재검토하라고 촉구한 것은 · 관계의 특수성과 국민적 반감을 고려하면서 절차적 완성도를 높이라는 지적에 머물지 않는다.

*square one: 시작, 처음, 원점

보드게임이나 돌차기 등의 놀이에서 벌칙으로 다시 출발선상인 번째 , square one으로 돌아가던 것에서 유래했다는 설이 있습니다.

-“It is very easy to follow the same practice and game plans from last year, but this is a new team, with new goals, starting from square one.” (The New York Times)

-I’m not expecting or indeed particularly hoping to hear from the Philanderer again, which puts things absolutely back to square one. (The Times)

-But billions of dollars and decades later, the U.S. is back to square one. (The Wall Street Journal)


2. 그때 그때 달라요 - 말이라고 같은 말은 아니죠!

말하다 (talk, speak), 무언가를 말하다 (say), 무언가를 누구에게 말하다 (tell)

*talk: 말을 하다, 수다를 떨다, 이야기하다 (단어 자체에 목적어가 포함되어 있기 때문에 구체적으로 어떤 말을 하고 있는지 나타내고 싶을 때는 전치사 about of 사용합니다.)

-Comments we received from students included, “they do not talk about the things we need to know” and “I don’t find enough useful information that relates to me.” (The Guardian)

-BioShock Infinite is the kind of game you want to think about and talk about long after the credits roll, which is why the pile of thoughtful critiques keeps growing. (TIME)

*speak: 소리를 내어 말을 하다, 언어를 구사하다, 발언하다

-Ms. Fernandez failed to mention the storm when she spoke at an event in memory of the Falklands war. (The Economist)

-Officials found that the bombs in Boston consisted of explosives put in ordinary, 1.6-gallon pressure cookers, one with shards of metal and ball bearings, the other with nails, according to a person close to the investigation who spoke on condition of anonymity because the probe was still going on. (The Washington Post)

*say: 무언가를 말하다 (무언가에 해당하는 목적어가 있어야 합니다)

-A Republican lawmaker says he doesn’t regret referring to women as “vaginas” in an email to his House colleagues and that he used the word for shock value during a debate over repealing a law allowing people to use deadly force to defend themselves*. (San Francisco Chronicle)

cf.) say 목적어

But the sale will reduce the equity of ING shareholders by about $1.6bn, the bank said, reflecting the difference between the sale price of the shares and their current book value. (Financial Times)

*tell: 무언가를 누구에게 말하다 (누구에게 말을 하는지 표시해줘야 합니다)

-The officials at the briefing declined to say how many helicopters were involved, but one official told Reuters the deal was for 36 aircraft*. (Chicago Tribune)

로이터통신에게 36대의 헬기에 대한 계약이었음을

-According to a spokesman for the film crew, Rodman told Kim that “you have a friend for life.” (Los Angeles Times)