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=====지난 시리즈=====/선미의 친절한 영어뉴스

때리다? strike or hit or attack?

안녕하세요. 영문뉴스로 여러분들의 영어공부를 책임질 새로운 가정교사 김선미입니다. 

이 블로그는 뉴스를 통해 고급 영어표현을 익히고 싶은 분들을 위한 공간입니다. 일주일에 화요일과 금요일 두 번 , 저와 함께 열심히 공부한다면 여러분도 사전없이 외국 뉴스를 볼 수 있게 될 거에요~^^ 

기본적인 영문법이나 회화 표현을 달달 외우는 건 지양합니다. 뉴스속 어휘는 물론 비슷한 단어들의 미묘한 뜻 차이, 각기 다른 표현법 소개할 예정입니다한국어식 사고로 잘못 사용하고 있는 영어 표현도 바로 잡을 거구요. 

그럼, 시작해볼까요?! 첫 코너는 영문뉴스 속 단어를 익혀보는 Expressions in the News입니다. 이 코너는 화요일과 금요일 모두 여러분을 찾아갈 거에요. 노란색 형광펜으로 밑줄 쫙 친 단어들 차곡차곡 쌓아나가다 보면 자신감도 쌓일 겁니다!

1. Expressions in the News 

오늘은 3월7일자  <안보사령탑 없는 정부…최악 조건서 남북 '강 대 강' 대치>를 영문으로 번역한 뉴스를 가지고 공부하겠습니다. 영문뉴스 전체 기사를 보고 싶다면 '여기'를 클릭해주세요. 

Security Leader Missing from the South Korean Government: “Tough vs. Tough” Confrontation between South and North Korea under the Worst of Conditions

On March 5, in a statement read by Kim Yong-chol, the director of the Reconnaissance General Bureau, North Korea condemned the ROK-US joint military exercises which began on March 1, threatened to cancel the 1953 ceasefire and cut communication lines between North Korea and the U.S. at Panmunjeom, and cited the possibility of a surgical nuclear strike at a random location and time after March 11. The North also warned, “The United States and its followers should not forget that they are standing at the crossroads of destiny.”

해석)북한은 5 김영철  정찰총국장이 낭독한 성명에서 지난 1일부터 시작된 · 연합 군사훈련을 비난하며 정전협정 백지화판문점 ·  군통신선 단절, 311 이후 임의 시각에 임의의 지점 핵정밀타격 가능성 등을 거론했다그러면서 “미국과  추종세력들은 운명의 갈림길에 서있다는 것을 잊지 말아야 한다 밝혔다. 

- surgical strike: 주위에는 최소한의 피해만 가하면서 목표물을 정확하게 명중파괴하는 공격

* surgical: 주로 의료수술(surgery) 관련된 뜻으로 널리 알려져 있죠. 월스트리트저널의 표현을 볼게요.

ex) In October, the FDA warned surgical facilities to stop using the devices if possible… (The Wall Street Journal)

거기서 파생하여 매우 정확하다라는 뜻으로도 사용되고 있습니다특히 군사 작전 등을 언급하는 맥락에서 이런 뜻으로 자주 쓰입니다뉴욕타임스와 이코노미스트에서 쓴 문장을 볼까요?

- President George W. Bush approved a more aggressive campaign of surgical strikes last year before leaving office… (The New York Times)

- Though Mr. Brennan at times seemed glib in his insistence that drones and other tools of war can achieve surgical precision, he engaged with that dilemma at his confirmation hearing. (The Economist)

* strike: 가격(加擊), 파업파괴  여러 종류의 공격을 지칭하는 포괄적인 단어입니다.

금요일의 두번째 코너는 비슷하지만 다른 단어들을 소개하는 '그때 그때 달라요'입니다.

2. 그때 그때 달라요

아래 소개된 단어들은 모두 공격적인 행위를 표현하는 단어들입니다.

- strike: 구체적인 공격 행위 (가격하다도구를 사용하여 공격하다)

Chelsea’s club captain John Terry was struck by coins as he warmed up on the touchline during the first half… (The Guardian)

Police Sunday were investigating the death of a man who was struck and killed by a subway train at the busy Times Square-42nd Street station. (CBS)

- hit: 직접적인 접촉이 있는 경우에 사용

A boy was taken to hospital after being hit by an ambulance as it answered a 999 call,… (The Guardian)

The Oklahoma City Thunder forward was the talk of the NBA after he hit Blake Griffin below the belt Sunday… (USA Today)

(strike 유사하지만 공격의 강도가 strike보다 약합니다형식적으로는 strike 대체해도 크게 문제되지는 않지만의미상으로는 공격의 강도가 갑자기 세져서 어색할  있습니다 보기에서  번째 문장은 strike 대체해도  문제는 없으나  번째 문장의 경우 strike 대체하면 공격을 가한 사람이 순간적인 충동에 의해서라기 보다는 상당한 악의를 품고 쳤다는 느낌을 전하게 됩니다.)

- attack: 포괄적인 공격 (물리적정신적 공격 모두 포함)

A Christian community in the Pakistani city of Lahore came under attack by an angry Muslim mob over the weekend, following an alleged blasphemy incident. (TIME)

…like the question of using a drone to kill an unarmed human being who may be in the early planning stages of a terrorist attack. (The New York Times)

- offend: 일반적으로 정신적 또는 정서적 해를 가하다 (의도적이지 않을  있다)

Chief Justice Aideed Abdullahi Ilkohanaf said Sunday there was not enough evidence to support an appeals court ruling that reporter Abdiaziz Abdinur Ibrahim offended national institutions. (San Francisco Chronicle)

But it did make me wonder: is there a way to offend a white person? (The New York Times)

- assault: 폭력의 정도가 심한 공격

The man allegedly “held her hands behind her back and forced her to a bedroom area where he sexually assaulted her,” according to a news release. (The Washington Post)

Garda Headquarters has ordered an internal investigation into the “circumstances” surrounding the trial of a garda officer convicted last week of assaulting a man arrested for drunk driving in Co Louth. (The Times)

오늘의 영어공부 어떠셨나요? 신나는 금요일, 보람차게 보내시길 바랍니다. 여러분의 가정교사 선미는 이만 물러갑니다~^^