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The "Rent-a-Cop Association (Chungmoghoi)" Investigation that Came to a Fizzle

청목회 수사와 관련한 12일자 사설을 보시겠습니다.
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The "Rent-a-Cop Association (Chungmoghoi)" Investigation that Came to a Fizzle
결국 용두사미로 끝난 청목회 수사

용두사미라는 표현을 fizzle이라고 표현했군요. 보통 실패로 끝난 경우 쓰는 용어입니다.

The day before yesterday, prosecutors who have been investigating suspicions that lawmakers took bribes from a group representing the interests of private security guards, in exchange for voting for amendments to a private security guard law, indicted lawmakers Kwon Kyung-seok, You Jung-hyun, Cho Jin-hyeong of the Grand National Party, Choe Kyoo-sik and Kang Gi-jung of the Democratic Party, and Lee Myoung-soo of the Liberty Forward Party on charges of violating political funding laws.
전국청원경찰친목협의회(청목회)의 청원경찰법 개정 입법 로비의혹을 수사해온 검찰이 그제 한나라당 권경석·유정현·조진형, 민주당 최규식·강기정, 자유선진당 이명수 의원 등 국회의원 6명을 정치자금법 위반 혐의로 불구속 기소했다. 

The Prosecution Service stated that Choe received 50 million won in illegal contributions, as well a 38-gram key made of gold, in exchange for submitting and passing a revised bill containing elements such as better treatment for private security guards, at the request of the interest group, while Lee received 21.5 million won in illegal political donations
최 의원은 청목회의 부탁을 받아 청원경찰의 처우개선 등 내용을 담은 개정안을 발의하고 통과시킨 대가로 불법 후원금 5000만원과 10돈짜리 황금열쇠를, 이 의원은 2150만원의 불법 정치후원금을 받았다고 검찰은 밝혔다. 

1) political donation  =  정치후원금

Greens leader Bob Brown says he expects criticism after his party received the biggest political donation in Australian history. (1월 7일, ABC 방송 온라인)

It remains the biggest single donation to a political party in British history. (1월 16일, 인디펜던트) * 여기서는 donation to a political party 라고 변형이 됐죠? ‘정당에 대한 기부’일테니 비슷한 표현입니다. 다양하게 활용해보세요.

Following the six indictments, prosecutors said that they would continue to investigate 32 remaining lawmakers who had taken donations from the so-called "rent-a-cop association (Chungmoghoi)" ," but common practice suggests that this investigation is, in reality, as good as over. 
검찰은 이들을 기소한 뒤에도 청목회로부터 후원금을 받은 나머지 32명의 의원에 대해 계속 수사하겠다고 했지만 통례에 비춰볼 때 이번 수사는 사실상 종결된 것과 다름없다.

The indictment of six lawmakers is no small deal. The most apt expression when it comes to the result of this investigation, however, is "much ado about nothing."
국회의원 6명을 기소한 게 작은 일은 아니다. 하지만 이번 수사 결과에는 태산명동서일필(泰山鳴動鼠一匹)이라는 말이 딱 맞다. 

2)  much ado about nothing  =   태산명동서일필(泰山鳴動鼠一匹) 
태산명동서일필은 크게 떠벌렸으나 실제 결과는 보잘 것 없다는 뜻이지요. 여기서 그것을 ‘much ado about nothing’라고 했는데요, 이것은 셰익스피어의 희곡 <헛소동>의 원제목입니다. 공연하게 법석을 떨었지만 별것 아닌 것으로 드러나는 경우에 사용됩니다는 의미로 사용됩니다.

New Hampshire House Deputy Majority Leader Shawn Jasper, a Republican from Hudson, says the dispute is “much ado about nothing.” (1월 13일, 보스톤 글로브)

Taylor Hall says Kings defenceman Drew Doughty‘s crushing hit on him in Saturday’s game at Los Angeles was much ado about nothing. (1월 17일, 벤쿠버 선)

For an investigation that conducted unprecedented simultaneous search-and-seize operations on the support offices of 11 lawmakers who had received more than 10 million won from the rent-a-cop association, before plowing on hard for at least two months, the result fails to meet expectations
지난해 11월 청목회로부터 1000만원 이상 후원금을 받은 의원 11명의 후원회 사무실에 대해 유례없는 동시다발 압수수색을 실시한 이후 두달 이상 강도 높게 진행된 수사 결과치고는 기대 이하다

3) meet expectations  =  기대를 충족시키다  * meet이라는 동사를 사용한다는 점을 기억하세요.

But despite the slowdown, the British designer brand said it would meet profit expectations for the year following its strong performance.....(1월 15일, 데일리 메일)

Indonesian athletes must work really hard to meet the government‘s high expectation of being the overall winner in the upcoming Southeast Asian Games...(1월 12일, 자카르타 포스트)

* 예문에서 보시듯이 meet과 expectation 사이에 다양한 표현을 넣어 응용가능합니다. meet profit expectations 이윤기대를 충족하다, meet the government‘s high expectation 정부의 높은 기대를 충족하다 는 식이 되겠습니다.

Early on in the investigation, prosecutors said the lawmakers had received money through "new kinds of method" and spoke as if they would be able to apply charges of bribery, but they have been unable to indict a single lawmaker for taking bribes. On the contrary, the lawmakers‘ protests suggest that a legal dispute is needed in order to prove whether their receipt of political funds was unlawful. It is enough to prompt the suspicion that prosecutors became excessively greedy over charges that were hard to apply in the first place. 
수사 초기 검찰은 의원들이 ‘신종 수법’으로 돈을 받았다며 수뢰 혐의를 적용할 수 있을 것처럼 언급했지만 누구도 뇌물죄로 기소하지 못했다. 오히려 의원들의 항변을 들어보면 이들이 불법 정치자금을 받았는지 입증하는 데도 법리논쟁을 벌여야 할 상황이다. 애초부터 적용하기 어려운 혐의를 놓고 검찰이 과욕을 부린 게 아니냐는 의심이 나올 만하다. 

For prosecutors to work actively to expose corruption is natural. The result of this investigation has been to reveal that pressure groups have been using expedient means to get financial contributions to individual politicians under various people‘s names, in order to avoid rules in political funding laws that forbid corporations and groups for making political donations. 
검찰이 비리를 적극 밝히는 것은 당연하다. 그동안 압력단체들이 법인·단체의 정치자금 기부를 금지한 정치자금법 규정을 피하기 위해 여러 사람 명의로 한 정치인에게 후원금을 몰아주는 편법을 써왔음을 밝힌 것은 이번 수사의 성과다. 

Caution must, however, be exercised in cases such as this where the offices of lawmakers were subjected to large-scale search-and-seizures in a controversial situation where suspicions were not clearly founded. 
하지만 이번 사건처럼 혐의가 분명하지 않고 논란이 될 만한 상황에서 의원들의 사무실을 대대적으로 압수수색하는 데는 신중해야 한다. 

If this were not the case, why would the Supreme Prosecutor‘s Office have stepped forward and said that it would assess the appropriateness of the search-and-seizure operations by front-line regional prosecutors and government branch offices across the country, immediately after they had taken place? 
오죽하면 대검찰청이 이번 압수수색 직후 지검·지청 등 전국 일선 검찰의 압수수색에 대한 적절성을 평가하겠다고 나섰겠는가. 

4) search-and-seizure  =  압수수색

The search-and-seizure provisions of the Fourth Amendment, they say, are irrelevant...(1월 15일, 타임)

After all, with this search-and-seizure operation, he was evening an old score, one that went back at least a decade to the World‘s Fair in Chicago in 1893 (1월 9일, NPR)

They say that using every method to prove suspicions is inevitable in a situation where ever more emphasis is being placed upon evidence. But it is hard for prosecutors to avoid the criticism that this was an opportunistic investigation consisting of many words and little action. 
증거주의가 강화되는 상황에서 혐의를 입증하기 위해 모든 방법을 동원할 수밖에 없다지만, ‘소리만 요란한 수사’는 수사편의주의적 행태라는 비판을 면하기 어렵다. 

Moreover, this investigation has incurred suspicion of ulterior motives, having burst suddenly onto the scene just when the use of "daepo phones" (untraceable mobile phones fraudulently registered under another citizen‘s ID number) by staff at Cheongwadae (the office of the president), in connection with the illegal surveillance of civilians by the Office of the Prime Minister, was becoming a big issue. A twisted yardstick used as part of an impartial investigation will eventually turn back on the Prosecution Service, in the form of a knife.
더구나 이번 수사는 총리실의 불법 민간인 사찰과 관련해 청와대 대포폰이 한창 문제가 되고 있던 와중에 갑자기 터져나와 저의를 의심받았다. 잣대가 공평하지 않은 수사는 결국 칼이 되어 검찰에 되돌아온다.

5) ulterior motives  =  저의 ulterior는 ‘이면의, 입밖에 내지 않는’이라는 뜻입니다. 그러니 motive와 함께 쓰여 저의, 숨은 뜻이 되겠죠.

Union eyes ulterior motives in reform plans? (1월 6일, 코펜하겐 포스트. 제목)

Are there ulterior motives that the Anglo Saxon press is trying to use propaganda to make the Euro seem worse and....(1월 14일, 이코노미스트)